Puerto Rico has two major karst regions, northern and southern. The northern karst (North Belt) is located in a subtropical moist forest life
zone.  Due to its topography the karst region consist of an unique unfragmented forest holding the most extensive forest canopy cover on the
Island.  Whether you are staying in San Juan, Dorado or the northwestern coast, the North Belt Corridor is an option when looking for specific
birds, such as the flamingo, tropic birds, and yellow-brested crake; and, of course, endemic species.  It is also home for the second population
of our Puerto Rican Amazon.  Our Iguaca is critically endangered and breeds from January through June.  Since most birders visit Puerto Rico
from September through May, we encourage everyone to avoid any type of distress to this species as local and federal Laws protect them.

Please select your best birding option at the North Belt Corridor.
Arecibo on Foot
$95 pp

7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Triangle
$95 pp

7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
North Belt Corridor
$95 pp

7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
A non-refundable deposit is required. The company that handles the online booking software will charge you a fee of 6%, plus the credit
card transaction fee (2.3%+30¢). If you prefer to pay with direct deposit (bank to bank) or Western Union, please contact us.
  • EFFORT LEVEL: Moderate to
  • Saturdays and Sundays
  • A minimum of 2 PAX is required
  • Maximum, 8 PAX, but groups are
  • Minimum age, 12 years old (two
    adults per children).
  • The price for a private half-day
    birding trip is $285 for up to 3 PAX.
  • Transportation, lunch, and tips are
    not included in price.
  • This birding trip starts and ends in
  • Participants must always use the
    face mask.
  • You will be walking approximately
    four hours through a countryside
  • Non-smokers only.
  • ENDEMIC BIRDS:  Woodpecker,
    Lizard Cuckoo, Bullfinch, Spindalis,
    Oriole, Tody, Mango, Flycatcher,
    Parrot, Vireo, Green Mango,
    Emerald, Adelaide´s Warbler.
  • EFFORT LEVEL: Low-impact
  • Saturdays and Sundays
  • A minimum of 4 PAX is required.
  • Maximum, 8 PAX, but groups are
  • Private birding trip.
  • Transportation, lunch, and tips are
    not included in price.
  • This birding trip starts and ends in
  • Participants must always use the
    face mask.
  • This activity includes driving to
    different birding spots with short
  • Non-smokers only.
  • ENDEMIC BIRDS:  Mango, Tody,
    Spindalis, Woodpecker, Flycatcher,
    Oriole, Adelaide´s Warbler.
  • Excellent for migratory species and
    marine birds.
  • EFFORT LEVEL: Moderate.
  • Saturdays and Sundays
  • A minimum of 4 PAX is required
  • Maximum, 8 PAX, but groups are
  • Private birding trip.
  • Transportation, lunch, and tips are
    not included in price.
  • This birding trip starts and ends in
  • Participants must always use the
    face mask.
  • You will be walking approximately
    three hours at El Túnel Negro.
  • Non-smokers only.
  • ENDEMIC SPECIES:  Emerald,
    Green Mango, Mango, Tody,
    Spindalis, Bullfinch, Oriole, Lizard
    Cuckoo, Flycatcher, Adelaide´s
    Warbler, Woodpecker, Vireo
  • Some birds are seasonal, like the
    White-tailed Tropic Bird (January
    through August).
Your best birding options when you are staying in Dorado, Aguadilla or Rincón.
The North Belt Corridor
The North Belt Region, at the heartland of our countryside, is one place where you can find endemic species, such as the Tody,
Tanager, Bullfinch, Lizard Cuckoo, Green Mango, plus Antillean and Caribbean specialties (Antillean Euphonia).   We will also
explore the coastal and other areas looking for the West Indian Whistling Duck and the Greater Flamingo.  
Certified Interpretive Tour Guide Service for the EcoSensitive Traveler
· i s l a n d - w i d e  b i r d i n g  t r i p s  ·  a l l - i n c l u s i v e  t o u r  p a c k a g e s ·
· Birding Trips since 1992 ·
Celebrating 30 years in business!
¡Hablamos español!
"As the path of the birds in the air or of fishes in the water is invisible, even so is the path of the possessors of wisdom."
When you book directly with us, 100% of your money is spent locally, not abroad.
Take the road less traveled, explore, eat, drink, relax, enjoy!
For European Nations,
contact us only via
regular phone or email.
2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Endorsed by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Slow mobility birders are welcome!
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All photographic material on this website is copyrighted by AdvenTours / Birding PUERTO RICO and/or its contributing photographers.
Photos should not be reproduced or exploited in any way without written permission from AdvenTours or Birding PUERTO RICO.
© 1992 - 2022 Birding PUERTO RICO, updated November 27, 2022.
AdvenTours PUERTO RICO  is an equal opportunity provider under special permits at El Yunque National Forest (Authorization ID: YNF22030).
If what you are looking is not listed here, drop us an email at your convenience.
  • Regular bird outings or regular SPECIAL SHARED EVENTS are not considered bird photography trips, for BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY,
    please visit this link.
  • Private birding trips All birding trips in this region are offered as private trips.
  • You must provide your own transportation (rented car) as you will follow the bird leader to each birding site.
  • It is understood that when you complete the booking process, you agree with our Terms and Conditions.